Page Layouts
Optuma has the ability to store multiple charts as a template or “Page Layout”. The Page Layout can be made up of multi-code charts such as a Watchlist, or Relative Rotation Graph® as well as single-code charts (Bar Chart, Candlestick, or Swing charts). It is an easy way to open charts or symbol lists with your preferred setups and easily be able to switch between them.
Note that Page Layouts are different from Chart Layouts, in that Page Layouts are static (ie if you make a change to the chart after applying the Page Layout the Page Layout doesn’t change) whereas Chart Layouts will update dynamically.
You can have as many different page layouts as you wish. For example, you can have a Watchlist with three tiled charts alongside which will update as you scroll down the Watchlist:
Alternatively, you can just have a single chart (or multiple tiled charts) as the layout without a watchlist - which is particularly useful when publishing from a Symbol List.
This video is pulled from the Optuma 101 course that you can access here. This course takes you through the basics of Optuma and helps you get up and running and using Optuma to its full potential. This video covers how to create and apply Page Layouts.
Creating a Layout
Once you have set up your Watchlist and your chart(s) then you can save the Page Layout by left clicking the below icon from the Page Control section in the top-right of the Optuma screen.
You then just need to give the Page Layout a name then select Save.
There are two types of Page Layouts: one for pages including only charts, and one for pages including watchlists and/or charts. The two different types will have the following icons when saved:
Applying a Layout
To use the Page Layout with an existing or new Watchlist, click the Page Layout icon and select the Layout from the list that is displayed.
Please note that if you apply the Layout to an existing Watchlist that not only will the chart layouts be changed but also the Watchlist columns. It is possible to separately save and preserve the Watchlist columns by using [ Watchlist Layouts](watchlist-layouts).
Opening charts/Symbol Lists with a Page Layout
It’s possible to open any chart with a Page Layout, as well as a Symbol List.
In the Security Selection window click the Multiple Codes button and type the required symbols to build your list, and then select Open List As > Page Layout and select the required layout:
Similarly you can open Symbol Lists using Open List As, and also by right-clicking on the exchange folders and selecting Open Folder As > Open Using Page Layout, eg the ASX Top 50:
Adding a Layout to the Toolbar
If there is a layout that you wish to use all the time with different sets of codes, you can create buttons to quickly load them. You can click on the + button in the Toolbar to add a new item. From the menu, select Page Layout.
In the menu that pops-up, you can select the name for the button, the Layout and even the colour of the button.
To use the button, just left-click on it and the Security Selection window will appear allowing you to chose groups of codes from the exchanges, your favourites or your symbol lists. If you have the enterprise edition, then you can also select from internal portfolios and benchmarks.
Deleting a Layout
If you no longer need a Layout and wish to remove it from the Layout list, click the Page Layout button, then roll your mouse over the layout you wish to delete. Next, left click the x icon to remove the layout.